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This is Our Story....

We as a Foundation have been operating since 1994 to fulfill the needs of our senior population as they arise and as the donations make it viable.

Our mission is to keep them comfortable in their homes for as long as possible.

 To maintain quality of life.

To keep them connected with the community and familiar events that they have enjoyed over the years.

To help with nutrition, we offer meals on wheels, to help with domestic chores we offer light housekeeping.

We offer assistance with safe mobility, and our dream is to one day own or have access to a van with a lift.

These programs are for seniors who are on safer and do not have the finances to care for themselves.  

We have a "Reach Out" program that offers entertainment on a monthly basis to all  seniors, thanks to all the volunteer musicians in our community. Thanks to the organization that supplies the treats for this on a volunteer basis.

We transport seniors to and from events with volunteers and privately owned transportation. 

To offer outings is to offer freedom of choice, to attend events they would otherwise not be able to attend. 

Choices are one of the main attributes to well being.

We host activities at the " old PLCC Care Home" now known as North Peace Senior Housing Society

For  Apt #one, #two, #three and #four.

Heritage 1 & Heritage 11

Abbey Field House

We have music nights

Special events 

We supply Chapelancy to Peace Villa

We need your help through donations to fund the programs in place.

  We  are looking for donations for expansion to the ever growing needs of those who have built our community and helped us get to where we are today. 

We have one paid person on our Foundation, that being the secretary, everything else is volunteer based.

With helping hands, we will enjoy every minute of our journey

PLease join us in the Quest to age well and with the dignity we so desire

An Idea Is Born

Serenity.. picnics in the park 

A game of horse shoes

The crackling of the flames

The smell of fire wood

The smell of coffee on a camp fire

This is living

This should be an option

It's the life we remember

In The Begining

There is the sounds of nature

The water ripples

Frogs croaking

The loons on the marsh

A fish jumping

A companion and a fresh cup of tea

This is the life we remember

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